If you ask focus groups to play word association when they hear the word “transgender,” most audiences will hit a few common themes: “Oppressed,” “discrimination,” “violence,” or “controversial” make frequent appearances, with “isolated”, “suicide”, and “alone” not far behind.
Thank you Gillian for this. As a grandparent of a non-binary child, and a non-binary transfemme person myself, I was deeply affected by the senseless death of Nex.
The children who bully are simply the proxies for the adults who know no better than to sow hate. Transpeople have become pawns by politicians to distract their followers from the real problems they face.
Thank you Gillian for this. As a grandparent of a non-binary child, and a non-binary transfemme person myself, I was deeply affected by the senseless death of Nex.
The children who bully are simply the proxies for the adults who know no better than to sow hate. Transpeople have become pawns by politicians to distract their followers from the real problems they face.
Gillian, this was really beautiful. Thank you for putting so much thought and heart into words for our community. We really need this right now.