In his letter from the jail in Birmingham, King said the Klan was not the problem. The problem was the white moderate and the white church. They liked their worldly status and comforts better than God’s kingdom. That remains a cogent analysis.
You’re a good writer (just discovered here) & I hope to read more of your stuff! I’m coming to the end of my life, being old, and it just occurred to me, guess I must be trans! That’s because I’ve gotten a lifetime of slack for my non-conforming gendered appearance. That’s mainly due to being a tall, big woman. For instance, even the largest size men’s shoes at Costco don’t fit. Could never abide makeup. High heels? wtf no! Get misgendered quite often.
Been reading a lot of the so called “gender critical” feminists who make good points. For example, that young women have been losing to trans-identified men in competitive sports. Testosterone makes men stronger & taller. Unfair advantage. Not sure what I’d say to a young boy or man wanting to join women’s sports? Guess, “you can play with the men? Something wrong with that? Guys are bullies?” idk what? No matter! I had great fun, in high school (1965-66) practicing on the girls golf team with the boys. Especially since there was a triplet of brothers! (How rare is that!?) Lovely guys, a privilege to play when encountered on the golf course. At matches we competed f/f and m/m. Bathrooms, idk, lots of people feel awkward there?
So she was dismissing the idea of non-binary they/them identify? My friend was with a group of older lesbians recently and some were disparaging non-binary folks until one of them said "when I heard about non-binary and they/ them pronouns I felt a weight lift off me and finally had words to describe myself." Their friends fortunately heard and believed them and grew their hearts and understanding that evening.
Not sure what’s being said that’s getting deleted here but, yeah, terms like gender non-conforming and queer kinda appeal to me. They/them feels awkward and haven’t quite got my head around gender non-binary? I sometimes wish people wouldn’t Sir & Ma’am so much since that’s where it embarrasses me, if I’m misgendered. Not a big deal except the very few times people have been a bit nasty (what’s my sex to them?)
In his letter from the jail in Birmingham, King said the Klan was not the problem. The problem was the white moderate and the white church. They liked their worldly status and comforts better than God’s kingdom. That remains a cogent analysis.
You’re a good writer (just discovered here) & I hope to read more of your stuff! I’m coming to the end of my life, being old, and it just occurred to me, guess I must be trans! That’s because I’ve gotten a lifetime of slack for my non-conforming gendered appearance. That’s mainly due to being a tall, big woman. For instance, even the largest size men’s shoes at Costco don’t fit. Could never abide makeup. High heels? wtf no! Get misgendered quite often.
Been reading a lot of the so called “gender critical” feminists who make good points. For example, that young women have been losing to trans-identified men in competitive sports. Testosterone makes men stronger & taller. Unfair advantage. Not sure what I’d say to a young boy or man wanting to join women’s sports? Guess, “you can play with the men? Something wrong with that? Guys are bullies?” idk what? No matter! I had great fun, in high school (1965-66) practicing on the girls golf team with the boys. Especially since there was a triplet of brothers! (How rare is that!?) Lovely guys, a privilege to play when encountered on the golf course. At matches we competed f/f and m/m. Bathrooms, idk, lots of people feel awkward there?
Tell me more about this?
So she was dismissing the idea of non-binary they/them identify? My friend was with a group of older lesbians recently and some were disparaging non-binary folks until one of them said "when I heard about non-binary and they/ them pronouns I felt a weight lift off me and finally had words to describe myself." Their friends fortunately heard and believed them and grew their hearts and understanding that evening.
Not sure what’s being said that’s getting deleted here but, yeah, terms like gender non-conforming and queer kinda appeal to me. They/them feels awkward and haven’t quite got my head around gender non-binary? I sometimes wish people wouldn’t Sir & Ma’am so much since that’s where it embarrasses me, if I’m misgendered. Not a big deal except the very few times people have been a bit nasty (what’s my sex to them?)
Sorry that happened - you paved the way for non-binary folks. Thank you