"That notion of interdependency is a threat to revanchist projects the world over that thrive on alienation, isolation, and a fearful state of enforced loneliness....transgender people are disruptive precisely because our existence betrays [and affirms our] interconnectedness, emphasizing not only how we all shape ourselves but how we all shape each other." Thank you, Gillian!

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I'm in tears over all of this. I can't thank you enough for writing so eloquently about Butler's work and what's happening overseas. I feel like screaming to get folks to listen to this, and yet I know my voice isn't nearly loud enough.

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"...watching Butler shadowbox the fabricated and contradictory mythologies undergirding the “anti-gender” movement can be cathartic but a bit disappointing; reading the book is like watching a skilled Chessmaster put a toddler in checkmate." That is one of the best lines I've ever read. This is heart-wrenching, but very necessary. Thank you so much for a great read!

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Mar 23Edited

beautifully written and poignant article. Thank you so much for gifting us this read.

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